Contemporary Christian Acappella Vocal Band from Singapore!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2009...Here We Come!

God continues to show His grace, mercy and faithfulness to Agapella year in and year out. And last year was no different. We can't say we were without our rocky moments. We only know what balms and plasters are about and what healing and protective properties they have when we get bumps, bruises and open wounds. Likewise, we witnessed God's power and reassuring guidance that He'd carry Agapella through.

So we're safely through 2008 and into 2009. Pardon us for how sloppy we've been in posting our first entry of 2009 on our blog. You see...there've been some issues we'd been praying about ironing out and it's slowly coming together. The group's undergone a little bit of a re-organisation with the departure of two of our members whom we'll miss dearly (we're not ruling out their return to the group some day, God willing). That means some 'switcheroos' to cover the gaps in our music pieces.

We know it'll be another exciting year because God allows for us to continue in His service, and we know He still has work for us for His kingdom's sake. Work's begun in ernest to add new songs to our repertoire. We're also working on our website to freshen her up. So it's makeover left, right and centre!

Where gigs are concered, we're gearing up for our first gig of 2009 next month at an NGO's fund-raising dinner. Following close behind would be a presentation during Passion week at a church that's invited us. We're also firming up a concert for youth scheduled for August. So things are taking shape as God opens more doors for us.

And even as we commit the new year to Him and have Him lead us by the hand, Agapella was mindful of God's grace through the year past, gathering for a thanksgiving dinner over seafood and desserts. Here are some photos for the record.


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